Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is a psychologist?

    A psychologist is an individual who is professionally trained in one or more branches or subfields of psychology. Training is obtained at a university/ tertiary institution. A psychologist holds a minimum of a professional Master’s degree programme or a doctoral degree. There are various areas of specialization in psychology. This can include: 

    • Clinical Psychology 
    • Counselling Psychology 
    • Educational Psychology 
    • Research Psychology 
    • Neuropsychology 
    •  Industrial/Organizational Psychology 
  • Where do psychologists work?

    Psychologists work in a variety of settings including private practice, hospitals, clinics, schools, the armed forces, non-governmental organizations and government. 

  • What does a psychologist do?

    The professional activities of psychologists are varied but can include the provision of psychotherapy and counselling, involvement in other mental health care services, educational testing and assessment, community development, research, teaching, business and organizational consulting. Formal certification and professional
    licensing is required to practice independently in many of these settings and activities.

  • What are the requirements to become a psychologist?

    In order to become a psychologist one needs to hold a 4 year undergraduate degree in psychology or a 3 year degree with psychology as a major that is followed by an honours year in psychology. This must then be followed up with a full-time professional Masters degree in psychology and the completion of a supervised 12 month internship at an accredited psychology internship site. After this, one can then apply for registration as a psychologist with Eswatini Medical and Dental Council with submission of the required documentation. 

  • Can I train to become a psychologist in Eswatini?

    Currently there is no academic institution in Eswatini that provides professional training to become a psychologist. All the psychologists currently registered in the country are foreign-trained in countries such as South Africa, Russia and Australia. However, there are recognized academic institutions in the country which provide
    undergraduate training courses and programmes in psychology. This then enables an individual to pursue post-graduate studies in psychology elsewhere should they wish to become a registered psychologist.

  • If I have an undergraduate degree or honors degree in psychology, what does it allow me to do?

    There is a big misconception that a psychology degree is only useful if one wants to become a counsellor or therapist. This is not accurate. A degree in psychology offers a solid foundation in social and behavioural sciences that can enable you to work in various occupations and organizations that are related to health, research, social services, human resources and communication. Not everyone with a psychology degree becomes a psychologist. A degree in psychology opens up opportunities for various career paths. It also provides a general understanding of people as well as valued skills in writing, research and critical thinking – qualities that are valuable in almost any job.  

  • What opportunities are available to me if I do not pursue a post-graduate qualification in psychology but still want to work within the field of psychology?

    Individuals with a minimum of 4 years of training in psychology can still practice and work within a certain limited scope of practice in Eswatini. There are current registration categories for Psychological Counsellors and Psychometrists. In order to register as a Psychological Counsellor, after completing your studies, you need to complete 6 months/ 720 hours of supervised practicum. Similarly if you wish to register as a Psychometrist, you need to complete 6 months of supervised practicum in psychometric assessment, test administration and report-writing. For more information, please see Eswatini Medical and Dental Council’s Psychology Scope of Practice. 

    For some individuals, at the institutions at which they have completed their 4 year qualification in psychology, their practicum that is required for registration is incorporated into their 4th year of training. Please note that no institution in Eswatini currently offers the Practicum required. It is also important to note that this practicum is only valid if supervised by a registered Psychologist. 

  • What are the benefits of joining a professional association like Eswatini Psychology Association?

    The aim of Eswatini Psychology Association is to promote the development of psychology across all spheres Eswatini and to support the professional development of psychology practitioners in the country. As a professional association we provide opportunities for workshops, networking, professional development and supporting mental health initiatives. We are also a platform for professionals and students to share their knowledge and skills, and contribute to growing psychology collectively.